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  • Will I need supplies?
    Most importantly, performers must bring the materials they are given, to rehearsal EVERY single day. This includes their script/score, pencil with eraser, highlighter, binder. They should also bring a water bottle, and sack lunch/snacks.
  • What if my performer is absent?
    If your performer does not attend their scheduled rehearsal (that was not listed in their conflicts at the time of auditions), this will greatly affect their fellow cast members as well as themselves. It could result in not being put in a specific part of the show. Our rehearsal time is very precious and we must make the most of it.
  • When are breaks?
    Scheduled breaks will be between 5 and 10 minutes long. We strive to run rehearsals in a professional equity (union) manner. That means performers receive a 5 minute break every hour and/or a 10 minute break every hour and a half. There may be times a performer has a longer break due to that days rehearsal schedule. During those times, performers should take their adequate break, and then use the remaining time wisely to review any material they need to.
  • What if there is downtime?
    Sometimes in theater, it is inevitable, that a performer may likely have some downtime at some point during the rehearsal process. Depending on what we are rehearsing at a given time, a specific actor's character may not be needed. If these times arise, it is a wonderful time to review dialogue, etc, and we will also have activities for the kids. We do typically have two rehearsals going on at one time when we are learning the show. For example, one group may be learning choreography for one number, and another group is learning their music for another number at the same time in different areas. We are as proactive and efficient as possible when scheduling our rehearsals.
  • Does my performer have to have prior experience?
    ALL performers are welcome, whether it is their first time dipping their toe in, or as a seasoned professional. We accommodate all skill levels. We find that a mix of skill levels can produce something absolutely wonderful!
  • VOLUNTEERS! I’d like to be more involved…I’d be happy to help. How can I do that?
    It takes a village to put on a show. We strongly encourage parents to participate and lend a hand wherever they can. We work as an ‘all hands on deck’ type of theater. This means, we need and GREATLY appreciate all volunteer help. Please email,, for how you can get more involved.
  • Do I need to supply costumes? (….no)
    We will provide the performers with costumes for the show. However, we may ask performers to supply their own shoes and basics, such as a pair of black pants or black t-shirt. Performers will be responsible for taking care of their costume(s), and properly hanging them up after each use.
  • When can I grab my seat for the show?
    The house will open 30 minutes prior to the show. Seating will be first come, first serve. Reserved seating will be available to those who win the ticket sale competition. More details to come on that.
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